Club Rules

Club Rules 2023

                                                                                                    Last updated 15/02/23

Club Rules Rev 2023


  1.  NAME.. 4
  2.  OBJECT.. 4
  3. RULES. 4

(a)        Full Club Members: 4

(b)        Ex Officio Club Members: 4

(c)        Honorary Life Club Members: 5

(d)        Overseas Club Members: 5

(e)        Temporary Monthly Members: 5

(f)        Social Members: 6

(h)       Visiting Members: 6

(i)        Spouse/Partners and Children of Members: 6

(j)        Life Membership. 6

  3. LOANS. 8
  5. BY-LAWS. 9
  9. ACCOUNTS. 11
  10. BAR LICENCE.. 11
  12. DAMAGE.. 11
  13. GUEST.. 11
  15. DRINK.. 12
  16. BAR HOURS. 12
  18. NOTICES. 12
  19. CLUB PROPERTY.. 12
  26. DELEGATION.. 14





1.        NAME

The name of the Club shall be the Guernsey Aero Club (“the Club”).

2.        OBJECT

The object of the Club shall be to foster an interest in aviation.

3.        RULES

(a)       Every member of the Club shall be bound by the rules (” the Rules”) and by-laws (“the By-Laws”) of the Club for the time being in force.

(b)       Every member on joining the Club shall be issued with a copy of the Rules and By-Laws, but failure to receive a copy of the Rules and By-laws shall not absolve a Member from an obligation to abide by them.

(c)        A copy of the Rules and By-Laws shall at all times be displayed on the Notice Board in the Club.

4.        MEMBERSHIP

(a)        Full Club Members:

(i)          Any person who has paid their Annual Subscription for the time being due, and who has completed an application form which has been duly accepted by the Executive Committee shall be deemed to be a Full Club Member.

(ii)        Every Full Club Member shall be entitled to attend and vote at any General Meeting of the Club.

(iii)        Joint Membership applies to spouses or partners in an established long-term relationship usually living together at the same address.

  (b)        Ex Officio Club Members:

(i)         The Executive Committee may grant Ex Officio Membership of the Club to any employee of the Club or to any other person connected with aviation in Guernsey who is, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, of benefit to the Club provided that any such Membership granted by the Executive Committee under this provision shall be subject to any conditions which the Executive Committee may determine and such Membership may be terminated upon one month’s notice in writing.

(ii)        Any person who is granted Ex Officio Membership of the Club shall not be liable to pay the Annual Subscription fee. If said member’s Membership of the Club is terminated by the Executive Committee, they may apply for Full Club

Membership which application shall be regarded as a normal application for Membership.

(iii)       An ex-Officio Club Member shall not be eligible for election to the Executive Committee.

(c)        Honorary Life Club Members:

(i)         Honorary Life Membership of the Club may be conferred upon any person whose services to the Club are, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, worthy of such recognition and is approved by the club members at a General Meeting.

(ii)        Honorary Life Club Members shall have the same rights as Full Club Members.

(d)        Overseas Club Members:

(i)         Any person residing permanently outside the Channel Islands may apply for an Overseas Membership, provided that the applicant is accepted by the Executive Committee and shall pay the appropriate Annual Subscription fee for the time being due.

(ii)        For the purposes of an application for Overseas Membership any applicant who is ordinarily resident in Guernsey but who is, at the time when the Annual Subscriptions are due, resident outside the Channel Islands for the purpose of obtaining educational qualifications, and is likely to be resident outside Guernsey for at least six months in each year, shall be deemed “residing permanently outside the Channel Islands”.

(e)        Temporary Monthly Members:

(i)         Temporary Membership may be granted to a person for some specific reason approved by the Executive Committee, on up to three occasions in any one year, whether on separate or consecutive occasions on payment of a fee determined by the Executive Committee.

(ii)        No Temporary Monthly Member shall attend or vote at any General Meeting of the Club or participate in any distribution of Club assets.

(iii)        In the case of an application for Temporary Monthly Membership, the applicant shall complete and sign a Temporary Membership Form in a format approved by Executive Committee and countersigned by any one of the Club Administrator or a Flying Instructor employed by Guernsey Flying Training Limited.

(iv)       Applications for Temporary Monthly Membership shall be deemed to have been accepted immediately that a completed application form, is received and the appropriate fee has been paid. A list of new Temporary Monthly Members is to be made available to the Executive Committee at its next monthly meeting.

(f)        Social Members:

  • Any person who has paid their Annual Subscription for the time being due, and who has completed an application form which has been duly accepted by the Executive Committee shall be deemed to be a Social Member.
  • No Social Member shall attend or vote at any General Meeting of the Club or participate in a distribution of Club assets.

(g)       Visiting Members:

(i)        A Member of any Aero Club not based in Guernsey.

(ii)         Any Aircrew Member on the Active List of any of the three Branches

of Her Majesty’s Services.

(iii)     Any Aircrew Member of any Airline not based in Guernsey.

  • Visiting Members shall be bound by the Rules and the By-Laws of the Club, but shall not be entitled to attend or vote at any General Meeting of the Club or participate in a distribution of Club assets.

(h)        Spouse/Partners and Children of Members:

(i)       Membership of the Club shall include the spouse/partner of that Member upon payment of an additional Annual Subscription or in the case of Life Members an additional Subscription as defined by the membership in General Meeting from time to time.

(ii)       The spouse/partner of any Ex Officio Club Member or Honorary Life Club Member shall be deemed to be included in any grant of Membership under these Rules unless the contrary is specified in the grant.

  • Membership of the Club shall include the right of Members to bring their children into the Club at any time until their children leave school or reach the age of 18, whichever is the greater; no such right of entry shall be deemed to be club

            (i)        Life Membership

  • Any person who has completed an application form which has been duly accepted by the Executive Committee and who has paid the Subscription for Life Membership shall be deemed to be a Life Member.
  • Life Members shall have the same rights as Full Club Members.


(a)       Any person who wishes to become a club member shall complete an “Application for Membership” form and:

(i)        In the case of an application for Full Club Membership, Social Membership or Overseas Membership, the Application Form shall be signed by a Proposer and a Seconder who must be Full Club Members, Honorary Life Club Members or Life Members and shall be signed by a member of the Executive Committee who personally knows the applicant or who has met the applicant after the application has been made and is satisfied that the Applicant is a fit person to be a member of the Club.

(ii)       Where any applicant is under the age of 18 the appropriate details on the application form must be completed by a parent/guardian who shall be held responsible for any liabilities which may be incurred by that applicant if the application for membership is granted.

(b)      The Club Administrator shall ensure that all fees due are paid before the application is placed before the Executive Committee.

(c)      The Executive Committee shall have the right to consider acceptance of each application by ballot and shall be empowered to refuse membership.

(d)       Any person whose application for membership has been refused shall not reapply until the expiration of six months.

(e)       Notice in writing shall be sent to each person whose application has been rejected, and all fees paid will be returned.

(f)       Until the Executive Committee has considered the application, the applicant will be entitled to enjoy the privileges and also the conditions of a Temporary Monthly Member.

(g)       With the exception of Temporary Monthly Members all members will be issued with a membership card which should be carried at all times when visiting the Club.

(h)      Failure to produce the membership card on the request of the Club Administrator, an Executive Committee Member or bar person may result in refusal of entry into the Club until the card is produced.



(a)       The Annual Subscription fees payable shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting and shall be payable on the first day of April in each year.

(b)      Subscriptions shall be paid by the last day of April and any person whose subscription is in arrears on 1 May shall cease to be a member of the Club, the Executive Committee having discretion to decide otherwise in exceptional circumstances.

(c)       Such a person whose Membership has become forfeit shall have to reapply for membership in the usual manner.

(d)       The subscription payable by someone wishing to become a Life Member shall be fixed by the membership in General Meeting from time to time.

7.         LOANS

(a)       Notwithstanding any other provision of these rules, the Executive Committee may, on behalf of the Club, accept a loan from any Full Club Member in such sum and under such terms as may be approved by the membership in General Meeting from time to time.  Loans made to the Club pursuant to the provision of this Rule are repayable at any time, at the discretion of the Executive Committee.  Loans provided pursuant to this rule shall stand preferred to the unsecured and ordinary creditors of the Club.


(a)       The management and control of the Club shall be vested in an Executive Committee elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.

(b)       The Executive Committee shall consist of nine members formulated as follows:



Seven Full Club Members (including Honorary Life Club Members and Life            Members).

(c)       The Executive Committee can appoint a Secretary (unpaid) who may not necessarily be a member of the Executive Committee. If not a member of the Executive Committee then that person would not normally be able to participate in the business of the meeting and will not have a vote.

(d)       The Executive Committee may set up the following Sub-Committees:

  • Recreational Flying Sub-Committee
  • Air Rally Sub-Committee
  • Social Sub-Committee
  • Fund Raising Sub-Committee

(vi)        Building and Maintenance Sub-Committee

and in addition, any other Sub-Committee considered necessary.

(e)      The Executive Committee may appoint from amongst their number a Vice Chairman.

(f)       The Executive Committee may co-opt a Full Club Member on to the committee to assist with its responsibilities but that co-opted member will not have any voting powers.

(g)       The Executive Committee shall meet at least once a month, and at additional times when requested by the Chairman.

(h)      A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be five.

(i)       The Executive Committee is empowered to fill any vacancy on the Executive Committee, which may occur at any time during the year.

(j)       No member shall be elected to the Executive Committee of the Club until they have been a Full Club Member, Honorary Life Club Member or Life Member of the Club for not less than 12 months.

(k)      The Executive Committee may invite a representative of Guernsey Flying Training Ltd to attend Executive Committee meetings to discuss flying training matters.

9.         BY-LAWS

The Executive Committee is empowered to make such By-Laws as are from time to time considered necessary for the good management of the Club.


(a)         The Executive Committee is empowered to appoint or dismiss any employee of the Club and to lay down conditions of service.

(b)         No person who is in the regular employment of the Club or Guernsey Flying Training Ltd shall be eligible for election to the Executive Committee.


(a)       The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall usually be convened in the month of February for the under mentioned business:

(i)      to receive the Annual Report

(ii)     to receive the Treasurer’s Report and Annual Accounts for the year

(iii)    to decide on all subscription fees for the ensuing year

(iv)    to elect the Executive Committee for the ensuing year

(v)     to consider any other business item listed in the agenda.

(b)       A Quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be 12, which can be made up of Full Club Members, Honorary Life Club Members and Life Members.

(c)       A Preliminary Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be posted on the Club notice board for twenty-eight days prior to the date of the Meeting.

(d)       Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to all Club Members at least 14 days prior to the date of the Meeting and shall give details of the Agenda of matters to be discussed at the Meeting. Such notice being sent by e-mail, or by post where a Club Member has so requested that option.

(e)       Any Club Member who may have an item to raise at the Annual General Meeting shall deliver a copy thereof to the Club Administrator at least three weeks prior to the date of the Meeting.

(f)       The Executive Committee shall cause to be exhibited on the Club notice board for a period of 14 days, which shall be from the twenty-first day to the seventh day (inclusive) immediately prior to the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting, a Notice for the nomination of Officers and Members of the Executive Committee.  The Notice shall show:

  1. Nominated Appointment
  2.   Name of person nominated
  3. Name of Full Club Member, Honorary Life Club Member or

Life Member proposing and seconding the nomination

  1. Signature of nominee agreeing acceptance of the nomination

(g)       Only those matters detailed in the Agenda may be considered at an Annual General Meeting.

(h)       No person other than Full Club Members, Honorary Life Club Members or Life Members may attend any General Meeting of the Club.

(i)        Minutes of the Annual General Meetings shall be kept together with a copy of the Annual Report and Treasurer’s Report.


  • A Special General Meeting may be convened by the Chairman or Vice Chairman (where appointed).

(b)       A Special General Meeting can also be convened by the Club Administrator on receipt of a written request signed by not less than 10 members which can be a combination of Full Club Members, Honorary Life Club Members and Life Members provided that the request states the purpose for which the meeting is to be convened.  A meeting so requisitioned shall be held within 14 days of the receipt of the request.

(c)       The Club Administrator shall forward a convening notice to each Full Club Member, Honorary Life Club Member and Life Member at least seven days prior to the meeting, such a notice shall give precise details of the Agenda.

(d)       Notice of all Special General Meetings shall be posted on the club notice board at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting.

(e)       Only subjects specified in the Agenda shall be discussed at a Special General Meeting.

(f)        A quorum for a Special General Meeting shall be 12 members which can be a combination of Full Club Members, Honorary Life Club Members and Life Members. Voting at a Special General Meeting shall be by ballot.

(g)      Minutes of a Special General Meeting shall be kept.

13.      ACCOUNTS


The Annual Accounts shall cover the preceding financial year’s business, (the Club’s financial year runs from November 1 to October 31). These accounts will be subject to an independent review by a suitably qualified individual or accountancy firm. A copy of the Annual Accounts shall be included in the Notice convening the Annual General Meeting and be available at the Annual General Meeting.

14.      BAR LICENCE

The Executive Committee shall appoint a person as the designated official for the operation of the licence as prescribed by law.


A member of the Executive Committee, the Club Administrator or any bar person has the right to exclude ANY person from the clubhouse whom he or she considers to be unfit for entrance for any reason.

16.      DAMAGE

Members shall be liable for any breakages or damages caused to the Club’s property by them or their guests.

17.      GUEST


(a)       All club members other than Temporary Monthly Members shall be entitled to introduce guests to the Club, but no guest may visit the Club on more than 6 occasions in each calendar year.

(b)      Such guest must be accompanied at all times by the introducing member.

(c)       Guests must enter their full names and addresses in the Visitors’ Book and such member shall sign his or her name in the prescribed place.

(d)      No person who has been refused membership or who has been expelled may be introduced as a guest of the Club.



Visiting Members shall enter their full names and addresses in the visitors’ book on each occasion that they visit the Club provided that if Visiting Members visit the Club on more than one occasion in any one day it shall only be necessary to enter their full names and addresses in the visitors’ book on the first occasion.

19.      DRINK

No member shall be allowed to bring to the Club any form of alcoholic drink without the prior authorisation of a member of the Executive Committee or the Club Administrator.

20.      BAR HOURS

(a)        The permitted licensed bar hours are as follows:

Monday to Saturday inclusive:           10:00-00:45 hours
Sundays (other than Christmas Day): 12:00-00:45 hours
Christmas Day and Good Friday:       11:00-14:30 hours / 19:00-22:30 hours

Note: The closing times of the bar are the times after which any intoxicating drink

cannot be consumed.

(b)        The actual bar opening hours will be displayed in the club house. The designated official or a member of the Executive Committee may direct that the bar be closed on any day or for any of the opening hours of a particular day without notice.


Smoking is not permitted in any part of the club house, and not permitted on the balcony.

22.      NOTICES

No notices shall be displayed in the Club’s premises without prior permission of a Member of the Executive Committee or the Club Administrator.


Newspapers, books, pamphlets, etc or other property of the Club shall not be removed.



(a)       All vehicles are parked at the owners’ risk and the Club shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage.

(b)       Members are requested to park their cars without hindrance to any entrance to or exit from the club house or hangar.

(c)       Parking on Club premises is reserved for Members and their guests (when those guests   are visiting with a Member).

(d)       Use of the Club car park is further subject to the Cark Park By-Laws made by the Executive Committee from time to time


Access to airside, whether from the Club premises or otherwise is strictly prohibited without proper authorisation and is prescribed in the [Security Access By-Laws] made by the Executive Committee from time to time.


Rules may be altered, added to, or deleted but must be presented at a General Meeting of the Club membership for approval.



Any question which may arise as to the interpretation of these Rules shall be addressed by the Executive Committee.



The Executive Committee shall have the power to reprimand, suspend or expel any member who shall infringe any rule or by-law or whose conduct shall, in its opinion, render such member unfit for membership.

No member shall have their Club membership amended or withdrawn without first being invited before the Executive Committee to explain their conduct, and an opportunity given to advance a defence.

Every member so summoned shall receive at least one week’s notice in writing from the Club Administrator: such notice shall contain a statement of the allegations brought against them.

The Executive Committee has the discretion to suspend any member pending their attendance before the Committee.


The Executive Committee shall have the following powers:

(a)       To acquire and hold property, real and personal, on behalf of the full members of the Club and to borrow and raise money by way of debentures or otherwise for club purposes*

(b)       To charge all or any of the real property held for the Club as security for the payment of monies so raised and interest thereon*

(c)       To lend club funds or monies to organisations or bodies corporate.  The terms on such loans are to be the responsibility of the Executive Committee save that the maximum sum or sums to be lent to each such organisation or body corporate and the duration of such loan or loans shall be as resolved by the members in General Meeting from time to time*

*Provided, however, that the powers conferred on the Executive Committee by this rule shall only be exercised if and when the Club in General Meeting has so directed and in accordance with such direction.


The Executive Committee shall have the power to delegate to sub-committees, consisting of such members of the Executive Committee as that Committee may appoint, all or any of the powers of the Executive Committee and to revoke any such delegation.


13/02/07:        Rule 16 & 24 (Bar License and hours) changes approved at AGM

23/02/12:        Rule 24A amended following vote at AGM (no smoking on balcony)

20/02/13:        Rule 23 amended following vote at AGM (supply of drink)

13/02/18:        Rule 4 (a) (iii) Full Club Members Joint Membership amended

15/01/20:        Full review and update.

07/04/21:         Reviewed Rules approved at AGM 07/04/21

15/02/23:        Rule 4 (e) Temporary Monthly Members; Rule 24 Car Parking; Rule 25 Access

Airside amended

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